How to decode the 13-digit CNIC number:

The history behind the unique 13-digit CNIC number: In 1973, The government of Pakistan issued (manual) National Identity card to its citizens, The old NIC had 11 digits of identification number and the databases of the people stored in NDO (National Data Organisation) in Government computer The formation NADRA (National Database and Registration Authority) was on tenth March 2000; by combining two National departments, Directorate General of Registration Pakistan and NDO. Thus from 2001 to 2002, NADRA replaced the paper-based Personal Identity System of Pakistan to Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC), with having 13-digit of the identification number. The old manual NIC Number was declared invalid from January 2004. So a unique CNIC number of 13 digits is assigned to the paediatric registry, commonly referred to as the B-form. When applying for a Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC), the same 13-digit number is issued. How to decode 13 ...